Streamline Webinars

Streamline Equipment has began hosting a series of free on-line training classes that hopefully you and your fellow employees will find beneficial. These webinars will be presented by industry experts and are scheduled to run about about 30 minutes with time allotted for questions. We are planning on offering a new webinar every few weeks. We hope you can join us.
P.S. if you have any ideas on presentations please let us know.

Upcoming Presentations

Thursday September 10th 2:00 pm
“Hot Runner/Heater Control 101”
Presented By: Eric Perrot- International Temperature Control (ITC)

Webinar Library

In the event you missed one of Streamline Equipment’s Webinars or
you have someone else in your organization that may benefit from the
presentation, we will post a recording of the event shortly after it is completed.
Link to Webinar Library


For additional information or for suggestions, please contact:

Andrew Goldman at 636-544-0915 or via email at [email protected]
George Goldman at 636-544-5919 or via email at [email protected]